Cultivating Healthy Relationships in Boys and Male Youth
This program is designed to explore and strengthen relational skills in boys and male-identifying youth, ages 11 to 15, within their communities, amongst their peers, and most importantly, within themselves.
This program is designed to explore and strengthen relational skills in boys and male-identifying youth within their communities, amongst their peers, and most importantly, within themselves. Essential relational skills are developed first by exploring external influences in culture and society (Community); secondly, by moving inwards to examine the microcosms of individuals’ peer interactions (Peer); and finally, by discovering the internal values and characteristics (Self) that are crucial in cultivating healthy relationships.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships Skills in Boy’s and Male Youth is an 8-week program that provides participants with an opportunity to explore in small groups the topics of bystander interventions, gender expectations, consent, rejection, accountability and healthy masculinities. This program is guided by a graphic novel that depicts different relational scenarios that the participants debrief each week with their fellow participants and facilitator child and youth counsellor. Also included are activities and worksheets that dive deeper into personal values and beliefs and pathways to repair relationships with themselves and others. The program completes with the youth identifying and establishing their own relational toolkits to navigate self, peer and intimate relationships alike.
What you get:
- 60 page PDF
- Zine
- Worksheets
- Comic Strips